FA Platform

FA Q&A: Is it possible for the end client to follow portfolio performance within the FA Platform?

When starting out a new client case, our team at FA Solutions is always asked a lot of questions about the product and how it can make business processes more efficient. We have decided to publish the best and most popular questions, along with our answers to them. Hopefully, you find it useful, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly if you’d like to discuss them in more detail!

– Is it possible for the end client to follow portfolio performance within the FA Platform?

Yes, it is. The FA Platform is a complex product catering to the needs of many parties, including the end clients of Asset Management companies.

To explain very generally, the Platform consists of FA Back and FA Front. The Back is essentially one large database that stores all customer and portfolio information in a structured way, to streamline decision-making and daily activities for Portfolio Managers. FA Front fetches the information available in FABack, reflecting all updates (such as market value changes of different securities) in real time, and presents it to the end client of the Portfolio Management company, as well as empowers the portfolio owner to make his own investment decisions (e.g. initiate trade orders).

To give you an idea of how it works in practice, here is a quick overview of FA Front with snapshots from an example FA Front environment. Everything you will see below is just one example of what the end client may see – what information is presented and how can be changed flexibly within FA Platform. Right off the bat, when the customer logs in, they can see an overview of their portfolio returns, in a nutshell. Under “Detailed overview” the customer can analyze their portfolio in more detail by checking:

  • Allocation by security type
  • Performance vs. benchmark
  • Different holdings (stock, cash, etc.)
  • Returns
  • Market commentary

… and other relevant information.

Under the “Transactions” module, the end customer gets a granular breakdown of each transaction within the portfolio – from regular Buy/Sell transactions to Deposits and various types of Fees.

The “Orders” module within FA Front goes beyond just showing how the portfolio is doing but lets the end client also actively manage their investments – namely, create, confirm or decline trade orders. All this is possible within the platform, with the help of an intuitive, easy-to-use interface.

The “Profits” module displays the earnings that different asset types have brought the customer.

“Allocations” reflect how the assets within the portfolio are spread out – it is possible to check your investments by industry, currency, country or type of security. All this information is presented as visually as possible and can cover different time periods of your choice.

Finally, in the “Visualizations” tab the end client can see more an overview of portfolio allocations by GICS in a simple drill-down pie or bar chart format.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways for portfolio owners to monitor their investments within FA Platform. Not only does FA Front allow to track the performance in any format the customer finds convenient, but it also gives a few themes to choose from – the power truly lies in the hands of the client.

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