FA Solutions’ Code of Conduct

Trust, co-operation and development as driving values for a better future

The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to set ethical guidelines for all our activities at FA Solutions. We are keeping it real – all of our responsibility commitments are based on our concrete actions and our desire to do better. This document gives clarity on these ethical guidelines, which create the basis for working responsibly with our customers and partners while keeping the environment and wider society in mind. It defines the ethical standards that we hold for ourselves, and for everyone, we do business with.

Everyone working at FA Solutions is expected to commit to these ethical guidelines. We also expect everyone we do business with to commit to the ethical principles stated in this document. These guidelines will help us to work responsibly and sustainably together – when we have clarity on mutually agreed rules of working, we can act accordingly.

Employee well-being is key to our success

Our employees are the engine of our company. Keeping our employees healthy, happy and safe is the starting point for all our activities. We cherish our family-like culture and continuously strive to make FA Solutions an even better place to work.

A safe and healthy workplace is a prerequisite for well-being

We take the safety of our employees, customers, and partners very seriously. We are committed to creating a working space that is safe for everyone, physically and psychologically. We also support and encourage the professional development of our employees.

Zero-tolerance for bullying, harassment, and discrimination

We are committed to building a company culture and community where everyone can feel safe, seen, and heard. All employees are expected to treat each other and all other stakeholders with respect. We do not accept bullying, discrimination, harassment, or any other form of inappropriate behavior. If any activities of this sort are identified, we take immediate action to investigate and resolve the situation.

Cherishing diversity, equity, and inclusion

We are a diverse bunch – we are growing fast and have employees in six different countries. We foster inclusivity in a way that everyone can feel like they belong just as they are. We also respect the diversity of our other stakeholders and work with our customers and partners in an inclusive way that takes into account their unique needs.

Responsible substance use

We abstain from using alcohol or drugs if their use would have a negative impact on our performance or the business. Additionally, we avoid exerting pressure on others to consume alcohol.

We take data security, privacy and immaterial property rights seriously

As a data-driven company, we must give special attention to ensuring and investing in data security and privacy. We have well-placed procedures to ensure that the confidentiality and integrity of our systems are sustained. FA Solutions has an information security management system that is based on the internationally recognized standard ISO/IEC 27001. We also emphasize the importance of data security in our employee training.

Privacy, confidentiality & immaterial property rights

We protect and respect the privacy of our employees and all our business partners. We process all personal and other confidential information carefully and collect and use data only for legitimate purposes. We limit access methodically for certain types of information and make sure all confidential information is processed responsibly. All of our employees are trained and expected to understand the confidential nature and processing of the information of our customers and partners. We are committed to protecting the immaterial property rights of all of our partners and customers.

We commit to responsible business conduct

Responsible leadership and compliance with all relevant laws and regulations are prerequisites for our business. This means, for example, that we are committed to good governance and that we have well-placed internal controls that help us manage our operational environment. As a company operating in a highly regulated business field, it is very important to comply with all regulatory requirements specific to our field.

Co-operation with customers and partners

We work with all of our business partners transparently and are committed to continuously developing our products in the best way possible in response to our customers needs. We also want to work on things that actually matter to our customers, which is why we involve them in our development processes. Even though we are growing at a fast pace, we never compromise our integrity or our good customer relationships.

We select partners that we need and who pass our risk assessment process. We do not cooperate with partners acting against our ethical principles. We choose our partners fairly and always solely on a professional basis.

We inform any agents or other intermediaries who provide services on behalf of the company that they are obligated to follow this Code of Conduct.

Conflict of interest, anti-bribery & corruption

We are committed to ensuring that our activities and choices are always in our own best interest, in the interest of our stakeholders, and society as a whole. We never let our personal relationships intervene with the best interests of the company. We avoid conflicts of interest and always practice transparency if a (possible) conflict of interest occurs. If any conflict of interest arises, we will disclose it to our supervisor.

We do not accept bribery or corruption in any shape or form. We never offer, accept or authorize gifts or anything of value that aims to influence decision-making in any way. We also keep track of our financial records accurately and transparently in order to detect and prevent any possible misconduct.

We ensure that any sponsoring or donation by the company is aligned with its goals and is never motivated by the potential influence on parties with conflicting interests.


We will ensure that any public communication on behalf of the company is coordinated and approved. We will clearly distinguish whether we are acting in a professional or personal capacity in public settings and on social media.

Taking care of people and the environment

Our responsibility efforts are guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are especially committed to contributing to the SDGs concerning decent work and economic growth, good health and well-being, industry, innovation and infrastructure, climate action, and partnerships for these goals. These are the areas where we, as a company, can have a direct impact and thus fulfill our responsibility to the wider society as well.

We are committed to respecting human rights as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.


FA Solutions subscribes to being an environmentally-friendly company, and the solutions the company offers to clients encourage eco-efficiency and sustainable development. Our products are accessible from anywhere in the world by internet connection and even by remote implementation in the cloud. We avoid unnecessary business travel and commuting.

As a company offering a cloud-based product, our operations do not require manufacturing materials or related waste. However, we are dependent on office and IT equipment as well as electricity. We are committed to reducing our negative impact on the environment and finding new solutions to do so.

We communicate openly and transparently

Authenticity, transparency, and consistency are the driving values behind all our communication. Good communication has the power to mitigate many other potential issues. We make sure that everyone from the end client to the back office is on the same page by making the information they need accessible automatically, efficiently, and securely.

Creating a speak-up culture

Cherishing our family-like culture within the company and our open communication with other stakeholders require a strong speak-up culture. That means we encourage everyone working at or with FA Solutions to speak up whenever any concerns or questions arise, including any misconduct or breaches of the commitments made in this Code of Conduct.

If witnessing a possible violation of the Code of Conduct related to breach of any anti-competitive laws or anti-competitive behavior, bribery or corruption, or discrimination, harassment, or bullying, we are obliged to report it promptly.

We offer confidential ways to voice concerns and questions. For employees, the principal way to raise issues is to bring concerns and questions to their line managers or to HR. All of our business partners are encouraged to reach out to the FA Solutions CEO or to an HR representative if any concerns arise. Alternatively, employees and external parties can make an anonymous report through our external whistleblower function: https://report.whistleb.com/en/vindgroup.

All concerns will be handled with confidentiality, and speaking up should never have any negative consequences. Any retaliation towards a person raising concerns is strictly forbidden.