
Pre-Fondsdagen 2023 | FA Solutions

Pre-Fondsdagen 2023 | FA Solutions

WHEN: Wednesday
22nd March 2023, 17:00
WHERE: Hotel Bristol, Kristian IVs gate 7, 0164 Oslo, Norway

Join us on March 22, 2023, to learn about our cloud-based solution and how you can automate your processes with our flexible automation tools.

Agenda of the event:

Welcome Introduction


FA Open Platform solution:

  • Best cost efficiency and no hassle with a Cloud solution
    • Secure and performant solution and no in-house installations
    • In a single database, all applications access the same data. No upgrade hassle
  • An open platform to fit your ecosystem
    • State of the art API to use for integrations
    • A modern report building tool
    • A modern client portal
    • Strong automation possibilities with processes
    • Example portal testimonial (Magnus Invento)


Evening drinks reception and canapés

After the presentation, we invite you to join us for some wine, appetisers and networking in a relaxed atmosphere with new and old friends from our industry.

Discover the benefits of our cost efficient and open platform that will fit well into your ecosystem.
Let’s make your life easier and reduce risk together!

Please note that this event will be in Norwegian.
