FA Solutions Consultants Briefing Event

FA Solutions Consultants Briefing Event

DATE: Tuesday, 23rd April 2024,
16.30 to 20.00 (GMT)
VENUE: Eight Members Club Moorgate, 1 Dysart St, London EC2A 2BX

The Importance of Staying Ahead: Navigating the Complex Financial Landscape

Join us for an evening of networking and insights hosted by FA Solutions. The event will bring together experts and consultants in the industry to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing investment managers.

An Evening of Networking and Insights

As the financial landscape evolves, staying informed about the latest trends and solutions is crucial. This event presents a unique opportunity to gain insights directly from the FA Solutions team.

At the event, we will discuss some of the difficulties facing investment managers. Our team will share their insights into how FA Solutions can provide the necessary support and solutions to help navigate these challenges. We will also highlight our future roadmap and recent client acquisitions, giving you an exclusive look into our innovative approach to supporting investment managers.

But it’s not all business – we also know the importance of networking and building relationships within the industry. Enjoy a few drinks and canapés while connecting with your peers in a relaxed and professional atmosphere at the Eight Members Club Moorgate.

Register now to reserve your spot at this exclusive event!