FA Ecosystem

FA Solutions enables a rich ecosystem making your Asset & Investment Management business run smoothly and grow. We connect you with market data providers, trading venues, custody, payment and insurance banks, third-party and implementation partners, and other relevant IT service providers.

For example, our ecosystem includes but is not limited to the following companies.

Market Data providers

Bank and Custody connections

Trading connections

Security and Authentification

Third-party Partners

Implementation partners

IT integrations and Hosting

PEP and Sanction Checks

Our market data providers examples

FA Solutions and Bloomberg
FA Solutions and Infront
FA Solutions and Morningstar
FA Solutions and Reuters
SIX Market Provider

Our bank and custodian connections examples

FA Solutions and Aktia
FA Solutions and Avanza
FA Solutions and Credit Suisse
FA Solutions and Danske Bank
FA Solutions and DNB
FA Solutions and Handelsbanken
FA Solutions and hsbc
FA Solutions and Juliusbaer
FA Solutions and Jyske Bank
FA Solutions and Mandatum Life
FA Solutions and nordnet
FA Solutions and M2
FA Solutions and op pohjola
FA Solutions and saxo bank
FA Solutions and seb
FA Solutions and Swedbank
FA Solutions and nykredit
FA Solutions and UBS

Our trading connections examples

FA Solutions and Bloomberg
FA Solutions and Infront
FA Solutions and MFEX
FA Solutions and Allfunds
FA Solutions and euroclear
FA Solutions and Calastone

Our security and authentication connections examples

FA Solutions and bankid
FA Solutions and Signicat
  • Tupas Identification Service (SSL)
  • VPN (different kinds of connections)

Other IT integrations

FA Solutions and Office 365

IT Hosting

FA Solutions and datacenter
FA Solutions and elastx
FA Solutions and innofield
FA Solutions and Azure

Implementation Partners

FA Solutions and codemate
FA Solutions and Mindbankque
FA Solutions and Hiq
FA Solutions and reaktor
FA Solutions and axxsys