Solutions by Industry

Institutional Investors

Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management

Handle any kind of asset types and complex portfolio structures in our real-time, transaction-based portfolio management system.



Reports for customers, authorities, and stakeholders can be generated with a single click or fully automatically.


Carefree Accounting

Reduce administrative burden by transforming transaction data automatically into accounting entries.

Corporate Actions

Corporate Action Management

Automate the time-consuming, cumbersome aspects of corporate action management.

Whether you’re an equity-based local investor or a full-scale pension fund with global, multi-asset-class portfolios with complex PE-instruments, we offer you a solution to suit your needs and processes.

With us, you’ll have proper control of all your assets, including real estate, private equity, and more. We offer you a technology platform that supports all your business requirements and processes – in one convenient, secured cloud. This platform provides fast and easy access to accurate and reliable data, which is a necessity for precise analysis and reporting in internal and external use.

  • Example
  • Outsourced reconciliation and data management option
  • Real time position, transaction and performance information
  • Trade order management
  • Performance analytics
  • Dashboards for summary data at a glance
FA Platform
  • Automated reconciliation of trade information, settlement data, transactions and positions
  • Advanced query and search capabilities
  • Business intelligence reporting capabilities
  • GIPS-compliant composite reporting and maintenance

Request a product demonstration to see how all our features work 

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