In a vibrant and energetic growth company like FA Solutions, time flies fast. Although we mostly keep our focus on what’s coming up for us in the future, at times it is also important to review the past success we have reached as a team. Being already the halfway of 2018, it is now time to look back to the achievements of these past six months.

The first half of the year started with a success by expanding our markets in the UK and North America, as well as further strengthening our position in our home market, Europe. We signed several new clients, such as family offices, asset managers, and fund managers.
UK is of course an important market for us, as it is one of the biggest and most competitive on a global scale. We are more than delighted being selected, and our cooperation with the client has started in the best way possible. This further encourages us to build on our investment management solution that covers multiple investment classes. Private Equity has completely different characteristics from listed investments such as listed bonds or equity. A system that covers all investment classes, therefore, has to be versatile, and this is one of FA’s strengths
» FA Solutions signs multiple new clients in EU, UK, and North America

We were glad to arrange a series of fully booked seminars this spring. In the seminars we focused on efficiency and automation in fund management as well as digital customer onboarding and tools for end clients. More seminars are yet to come this year!
» Read more about our upcoming events!
» Asset manager, what is your unique mix of customer interaction?
» Every asset manager needs a digital customer experience

Our development team have been working really hard in making FA Platform even better. During the first half of 2018 we released new versions of FA Platform, bringing us such functionalities as refined transaction cost breakdown to comply with MiFID II/MiFIR, fetching real-time prices, and improved portfolio management for Front Office.
» FA Platform – an integrated experience from back and front office to end clients
» FA Solutions is implementing MiFIR TAF reporting in Luxembourg
» Improving functionality of an asset management software with APIs

The FA team is growing at a fast pace! Since the beginning of the year, 10 colleagues joined our Helsinki and Stockholm offices, making FA Solutions a company of 49 employees. The picture of our Sales Team above was taken during a Sales Conference in Tallinn, Estonia in May.
Hand in hand with the team growth, FA Solutions of course keeps growing as a business. We were recognised as one of fastest growing European companies by Inc. Magazine with our 3-year growth of 350%.
We did set up an ambitious growth target for year 2018 and we are very well on track. The first five months of year 2018 has been strong growth as turnover increased more than 60% compared January–May in 2017. The outlook for this year remains very positive

In addition to arranging our own events, we also actively participated in events arranged by other parties. This spring we took part in several events, such as FARAD Finance Forum in Luxembourg, Fondsdagen 2018 in Oslo, Future Digital Finance Forum in Helsinki, to mention a few. We were happy to learn more and also share our points of view when it comes to FinTech, WealthTech, and Cryptocurrencies.
» Efficiency from White-Labeling: New WealthTech is your asset going forward
» Cryptocurrencies and blockchain should be as globally harmonised as they can be – Interview with Hannes Helenius
» Streamlining Corporate Actions Management
» What is your GDPR approach in Asset Management?
» Can cryptocurrencies be Sharia-compliant?

For us this was a great opportunity to meet with clients and partners at least once before everyone is heading to the countryside and summer cottages to enjoy the Nordic summertime. Greetings and thank-yous to our guests from the entire team at FA Solutions!
As the summer vacation season is approaching, our blog will also have its well-earned summer vacation. Therefore, the entire team at FA Solutions wants to wish you a joyful, sunny and relaxing summer time!
Best wishes,
FA Team