For the media
FA Solutions is a market leading provider of software for Asset & Wealth Managers, helping them manage their investments globally. We offer a cloud-based Portfolio Management solution that automates and centralizes a wide range of operational processes into one easy-to-use FA Platform. We believe superior technology enables quality Asset & Wealth Management services for everyone.

"In order to differentiate themselves from their competitors, banks and wealth managers need a flexible and easily customizable interface that allows them to provide more transparency, functionality, and value-adding services to their clients. Open-source’s collaborative spirit, which allows it to be modified and shared by the community, results in faster innovation and a lower cost of development."

"Developed in Finland, FA Solutions is a cloud-based software platform with a modularized approach to various functions from accounting, consolidated reporting, risk management to Impact / ESG reporting. The scalable platform allows clients to select the features they need immediately, but with the functional coverage they need to grow as their businesses do."

"FA Solutions’ FA Platform provided an easy-to-use, automated platform for calculating net asset values (NAVs), maintaining a master crypto asset registry, performing fee calculations, and enabling all the other operations required within professional, institutional reporting. In addition to enabling their institutional operations with an automated online platform, Coinmotion wanted to elevate their institutional clients’ customer experience by offering them a user-friendly Client Portal. "
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